ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: pellets vs. hay
Re: pellets vs. hay
Bob Wilson (bobwilson@pe.net)
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:50:49 -0700
Bob Wilson wrote:
> Bruce Murdock wrote:
> >
> > Laney:
> >
> > Here in Idaho, pellets are an attractive alternative to certified weed free hay ($$$), besides being easier to carry. The biggest problem I have with pellets is that they can get caught in the throat. After one very scary choking / coughing episode in the back country, I am very careful when I feed to make sure there are no distractions or "spooky things" around.
> >
> > Bruce & Star
Bruce, choking is something I worry about also. This summer in the
Sierra I met up with a woman whose horse choked on pellets. Her friend
came out to get help, when we got back to her next morning the horse was
ok, a couple of people came along and massaged the horse's throat and
moved the pellet on down. A neighbor almost lost a horse last year from
a choke, and now is contending with the problems of a damaged
esophagus. I am feeding a rye/fescue pellet which is about 1/4"
diameter, much smaller than the typical alfalfa pellet.
Bob Wilson and Blue
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