ridecamp@endurance.net: Money Making Opportunity

Money Making Opportunity

Mon, 29 Sep 1997 23:54:39 -0400 (EDT)

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Electric Post Office can e-mail your ads to targeted addresses at Wholesale Rates.
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Here is a chance for you to make some MONEY in a short period of time.

Make $500 to $1500 in the next 60 to 90 days with a small one time investment of $20.

This is not a "Get Rich Quick Scheme" but a honest chance to make extra cash
to do with as you like. The company is less than a month old and has already sent out
some checks for $500.

Go to http://successpage.com/simplicity.html now and take advantage of it.
With a one time small investment of $20 you can be on you way of putting
some extra cash in your pocket.

Under Sponsors Name, ENTER Parry Feiock. Under ID #, put 113.

Eagle One Marketing Group

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