Good morning everybody,
this is Monday after the Gold Country Ride and I'm still in such high
spirits about the fun and the wonderful ride we had that I decided to send
in my greatest thanks to the ride management and all volunteers for putting
up such a perfect event!!
I'm still a novice to the endurance-sport and have done three rides so far,
including the Gold Country, but I must say that this one was the first to
give me the great spirit of endurance-people and the way they are described
kinda like a "family".....
Thanks to the Gold Country Riding Club, the atmosphere was so relaxed and
layed back, I wish it could be that way all the time!!! I got hooked this
weekend for sure!
I really liked the way they had put up the 30-mile ride. There were no
holds for us, all breaks to take <or not to take> were left to the rider's
responsibility. So much fun to plan your own ride, having all the
responsibility to take best care of your horse!
No lunch-break in camp, but the volunteers did such a wonderful job,
providing more than enough food and water for the horse ,and drinks and
snacks for the rider ,along the trail that it was not necessary at all.
My horse <his second ride ever> did wonderfully and he inspired me with is
his way of crusing down the trail even after my riding-buddy, Kim Price
with Mystery, the Morab, had made me go on without her <she will probably
share her story with you>. We did the 30 mile-loop and when at the 29th
mile-vet-check the vet wanted to buy the horse, I was soooo proud of him, I
was crossing the finish-line in seventh heaven, I just love this sport when
riding a horse that was obviously having fun with what we were doing!!
The awards-dinner was great fun and I want to say congratulations to every
horse- and rider-team that completed the ride. I strongly believe in THE
TEAM to finish a ride, no matter what age, breed or weight.....
Again, THANK YOU, Gold country people, for putting up such a great ride, I
highly recommend it to everyone, DO IT NEXT YEAR! And see you down here at
Point Reyes!
in Point Reyes
riding Nanak <Jahan>, another Wonders' horse:
.."I only wish I could see what they are looking for when they open my
mouth and press on my gums..?!"