Lake Sonoma Ride will be Sat. Oct. 25, 1997 at the Lone Rock Camp at Lake
Sonoma. Nearest town is Geyserville. Only a 50 miler. No 25 mile ride
because of the lay out of ride and the conditions of permit from Army
Corps of Engineers.
I rode all of the trail this past weekend and everything is go. If the
weather cooperates....remember this ride is canceled if it rains for
safety reasons. Trail is 10% jeep roads and 90% trail.
Cost is $69.00 for AERC members. Completeion award is a color 8 by 10
photo of you and your horse during the ride. Hughes Photography will
again be the photographer. Awards for first, BC, juniors etc. Dinner
after the ride is included in the entry fee.
Camping area is very small so plan of camping very close together.
To get complete information write, phone, FAX or E mail...........
Ruth Waltenspiel
479l Dry Creek Rd.
Healdsburg, CA 95
Phone 707-433-8254
FAX 707-433-8255
E Mail
-- --
------ T I M B E R C R E S T F A R M S ------
4791 Dry Creek Road, Healdsburg, CA, 95448
VOICE: (707) 433-8251 FAX: (707) 433-8255
General Email: