ridecamp@endurance.net: FW: Adresses for Endurance and Distance Riding in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France

FW: Adresses for Endurance and Distance Riding in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France

Steph Teeter (step@fsr.com)
Mon, 29 Sep 1997 09:35:55 -0700

Here's a message I received from Urs Wenger, looking for contacts
in other European countries. Can some of you guys respond?

Steph Teeter

-----Original Message-----
From: Urs Wenger [SMTP: urs_wenger@bluewin.ch ]
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 1997 11:54 PM
To: step@fsr.com
Subject: Adresses for Endurance and Distance Riding in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France

Who could give me addresses I could contact to know more about Endurance
and Distance Riding in the above mentioned 4 countries?

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