Mike Sofen
Seattle, WA
From: Ann Hatfield <keithr@nocdc.bc.ca>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Homing instinct-better in mares than geldings?
Date: Saturday, September 27, 1997 8:43 PM
I think this proably varies with the horse, but who knows, it may be sex
linked! My most trail-experienced horse would take the direct route back
to the trail head if I became 'temporarily misplaced'. Like Barb's mare,
Gitane (French for gypsy) would happily pick her way through the most
gosh-awful tangle and bring me out scratched, mad and safe.
In trying out the now- antique Appy for my husband, the former owner and I
got benighted on a trail above the place she had the old gelding boarded.
We'd ridden out on the trail but it was new to all of us and the elderly
fellow had only been boarded there a few months so probably had no strong
sense of the area being 'home'.
His former owner felt that he would not be able to find his way but I had
some strange faith, gave him his head and we moseyed back along the trail.
All that could be seen were the stars above-we were in a black cut in dense
trees. The old boy kept swinging his head to the left every few yards,
checking, checking, for half a mile or so and then turned into an invisible
side trail. He took us along to the nasty detour up into the trees that
we had scrambled through earlier in the evening light, and back onto the
trail and down to the electric fence which of course couldn't be seen
either (by us)in the pitch blackness.
I got the sense he was looking for clues as there was no audible snuffing
like the mare used to do when she was actually backtracking ON the trail-
which she deigned to do occassionally. Most of thime I swear her shortcuts
were based on the most direct line between her and the trailhead as per
some map in her head. Thank God it was the trailhead and not home!
Needless to say I bought the old Appy! He's a wonderful horse carrying
Keith, beginners and guests safely about. To my great sadness he has been
somewhat lame much of this summer. Arthritis? I told the list I'd let you
know how apple cider vinegar is helping but haven't used it enough to know.
Any other suggestions?