ridecamp@endurance.net: re trail wise gelding

re trail wise gelding

paddi (seamstob@telusplanet.net)
Sat, 27 Sep 1997 08:26:35 -0700

Our 12 year old gelding remembers every trail he's ever been on. He can
find his way home or to the trailer. His night vision seems better then
any other horse I have ridden. Christy Janzen (from Canada west) sold
him to us . When she rode the 24 hour marathon ride she saved him for
the darkest part of night.
We were at a ride 2 years ago and Jammer my friends horse went awol in
the night. He was found the next day on his way home. Seems he had lived
in the area many years earlier and had no trouble finding a route back
through the area. He took a mare with him for companionship.(or maybe to
show him the way)<g>

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