Does anyone have some specific experience with easyboots on their horses? I
would like to hear about it. There is some info on the net about it, but I
would prefer some additional independent info as well. Positive and negative.
I only intend to use them during trail/endurances rides with a lot of those
horrible gravel roads in it, on top of rock, waterstreams, hillwork. I would
put them over the shoes at that time. How do horses like the easyboots? How
long do the easyboots last if used occasionally (UV influence?). Are the
easyboots slippery on flat rock in wet weather without the studs which are
available as well? How is the grip on loam/clay under wet conditions and
eventually up- or downhill as well? What if there are some deep sandy
patches in the ride, do the boots start to fill and become heavy if you
don't fill them up with the available special products?
It is quite an investment to buy 4 of the boots only to find out that they
don't work for my horse. I am living in New Zealand, South Island, where
easyboots have not made an appearance in trail/endurance riding. Reading on
the net made it look that they were the ultimate solution for stone bruises.
Monique Koning