WAS.. been a number of years.. Beckie has been doing it on here own .. for
the most part..her and Judith.. so make sure we give credit to the great
rider of RIO..
A little Bio on Courtney
Courntey has been doing this game since the begining??
I think it was in the early 70's??
The pic on the cover is a yougn Courtney on Bart Hart from the 83
Fireworks 50.. the horses 1st ride..
He has been around and is a store of information.
He tells it like HE see's it.. may not be--- like it is.
He will get in your face.
He does not mince words..
He DOES KNOW the sport.. HOW to do it AERC and NATRC-
Bart is in the NATRC Hall of Fame..
He gives lectures VERY well educated
He does consulting work for many in the US and the MIddle East.
Many do NOT like Courtney.. because of his attitude..
I can deal with it-- When I ever a get horse like RIO THEN I will be on a
level platform..
Until then I can learn much from Mr Hart.