ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: MC??

Re: MC??

Karen Steenhof (steenhof@cyberhighway.net)
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 19:46:18 -0600

> From: Lauren Horn <fourhorn@fea.net>
> To: Ridecamp Endurance <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: MC??
> Date: Friday, September 19, 1997 9:53 AM
> Leafing through the recent AERC Endurance News I noticed a lot of horses
> listed in the NW results had the prefix MC before their names. Can
> someone tell me what MC stands for and who (person & horses) are behind
> these lines? Obviously alot of NW riders have these horses.
> Lauren

MC stands for Myrtle Creek. It is the name of Mark Wood and Arlene Neale's
farm. They live in southern Oregon. I believe they buy (instead of breed)
and sell most of their horses. They have an ad in endurance news this
month. They usually have everything ranging from completely unbroke to
seasoned and conditioned horses. Prices vary accordingly.

Karen Steenhof
Boise, Idaho

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