I picked up one of these books at PANAM race this past week. Had lots of time
to read it over in the booth and at the Waterstop C2/C5 as well as the plane
trip home.
Well it IS a very good book. It contains a lot of basic stuff for the new
rider and some nice different ideas for the pro. Courtney did a very nice
job. The book is all 'Countney'. From the into section about the sport to the
evolution of the horse, then into the specifics about the sport..
Its is well written and to the point. About 1/4 inch thick -wont take a month
to read. Lots of good reference points to go over from time to time.
I dont carry many books to sell -- that is but this one is worth it.
Its up to date - good information -no hype-- a bit of the Courtney ego.. but
hey dont knock it until you get your RIO.
The other book I like is Dr Nancy Loving book VET MANUAL FOR THE PERFORMANCE
HORSE.. dont sell it ..you can get it from Equine Research 800 848 0225.. A
great detailed reference book for all riders..
Nancy is comming out with a new book about the sport will be out this week..
We will carry that one..hope to have the book by ROC..the new book by Nancy
Loving, "Go the Distance: The Complete Resource for Endurance Riders , no
price yet.. guess about $25
We have Courtney's book at $25.
Will be at ROC
Roger R