ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: dogs and fudge

Re: dogs and fudge

Susan Evans Garlinghouse (suendavid@worldnet.att.net)
Thu, 18 Sep 1997 17:10:12 -0700

Susan wrote:
> > Tons of room. Very nice enclosed area but THEY MEAN IT when they say NO
> > dogs allowed!!!

Kathy wrote:
> It is unfortunate that anybody ever thinks that they can "fudge" any rule;
> and there is nothing that bothers me more than seeing a ride entry form
> that states after a rule "we really mean it"

Maybe this calls for a small bit of explanation---what I was thinking of
was last year when I offered the use of my rig for ride management use
at Kathy's ride in San Juan Capistrano. Because I wasn't entering
myself, I just asked for and got directions to the ridecamp via the
list, and so sure enough, showed up on Friday with my two ever-present
border collies, not knowing they weren't allowed on the grounds. Oops.
Well, there was a little compromise all the way around, everyone
recognized it was an honest mistake, not an intentional "rules don't
apply to me" and no harm done other than a deservedly red face on my
part. On the other hand, Kathy has a point here---another ride manager
and I have been chit-chatting recently about one particular rider who
ALWAYS brings her dog, rules or not. She, too, "got away with it" at a
recent ride that didn't allow dogs but in her case, it was definitely a
case of assuming that rules didn't apply to her, an attitude which
rightly irritates the hell out of everyone around her. I know it sure
bugged me when I had to pay for a pet-sitter so I could go to a ride,
only to see her traipsing around at a "no dogs allowed" camp with HER
dog! (And when asked about it, she would reply,"Oh, that rule is to keep
idiots from letting their dogs run everywhere...but EVERYONE knows
Bandit is a good dog, so they don't mind him". Argh. But don't get me

Anyway, I wasn't advocating trying to stretch rules (and not saying you
were saying I was :), just putting in a caveat that, honest mistake or
bad attitude, if there's a dog in your truck pulling into this
particular ridecamp, you'll be turned around at the gate. Just a Fair


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