From: Nina
This spring I bought a new dressage saddle which my trainer feels fits my horse pretty well. I use this for both my dressage and trail. I bought a wool fleece pad, thick but not too thick to change the fit of the saddle.
I haven't been training very hard. We got started late since I broke my foot in the spring. (No serious trail riding for 9 weeks!) Now we're ready for a 30 miler in two weeks and these white hairs started popping up!!
The first one were under the electrode for my HRM. (Okay, I can move this back a little,) But then some started on his back mainly on the left side. After a ride I usually let him roll and then wash him down using a rubber meshy thing. I've never noticed him being sore when I rub him clean.
Now what? I'm hesitant to change tack two weeks before a ride but if what I have is hurting him... I do have some open foam pads which are cut for a western saddle. Should I put these between the wool and the saddle? I also have a wool felt pad, quarter inch thick, should I use that under the fleece? Once my vet suggested a gel pad but that seems too hot...
I'd love any suggestions. How do I know that a change is better if I can't pick up any soreness now?
I'm confused.
Nina and Ramere (who's pretty calm for six)