Credit Cards are the universal currency of the Internet, and, if you want to do business online, you need to be able to Accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards on your Web site.
Trouble is, many banks wont give merchant status to businesses that are new, home-based or located in cyberspace instead of a real-world storefront or mall. Thats why were pleased to present a special offer from USConnect, a major merchant account provider thats helping companies like yours get merchant status on the Net.
The benefits include:
* 2% Discount Rate
* No Monthly Minimum Billing Fee
* No Statement Fee if No Sales Made for the Month
* Money Available in 2 Business Days
* Windows-Based or Macintosh Compatible Credit Card Processing Software (Available)
* Shopping Cart System To Take Orders Securely Right On-Line (Available)
* Referral Program - $100-$200 Rewards For Each Referred Account
*And Much, Much More. . . .!
I invite you to browse our website for more information and registration:
Go to: <a href="">Accept Credit Cards Online</a>
Apply now and start your cash flowing today!
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