Jude Hall
Granville, Ohio
>To Patty and others who have had no adverse problems with their automatic
>transmissions, please add a few stats that will reassure this LOL (Little
>Old Lady) who just got talked into buying her first Automatic (Ford F250
>Diesel with towing package, including transmission cooler)? Have the
>vehicles with problems been loaded above recommendations or approaching
>limits? Has the Overdrive been selected "Off". In hills, should one reduce
>the "limits" of cargo?
>Do the newer trucks need additional transmission cooling if they're already
>configured for towing?
>Why does Ford (or other manufacturers) warrant higher payloads for Automatic
>than for Manual transmissions?
>Does anyone have experience with the "Powerstroke"? My "local" hauling
>regularly includes a 7% three mile or so hill on Interstate, so any hints
>would be helpful. Should I manually select 2nd when climbing, or let the
>automatic choose for me?? With my 6.9 (1984) I would end up in manual 2nd
>for the steepest part.
>What about downhill? Do I "force" the lower gear? With the manual
>transmission I would top the mountain at about 45 MPH, in 4th, (highest
>gear) and "touch" the brakes once or twice at the steepest curves, ending up
>at 55 to 60 at the bottom when the road straightens to where that is a safe
>running speed.
>If you deem the specific answers not to be germane to Ridecamp, please
>E-Mail privately?
>Barbara (Whose trailer just had major surgery to accommodate the "Dream" --
>hopefully not translated "Nightmare" truck)