Dave put on the first "XP" in 1976 after a few of us split off the
"Great American Horse Race". Lori, Phil Gardner, Hall Hall, Patty Jamison,
and several European riders did the ride over about 6 weeks from St. Joe,
Missouri to Sacramento. It was mildly competitive, but mostly a cross
country "experience" for the group as a whole. To my knowledge, it was the
first time a group of riders had ridden over the entire ORIGINAL (no
re-created) trail. Dave spent a lot of time researching and hunting for
the original trail.
There was a re-run in 1979 sponsored by the British Post Office (really!)
that was EXTREMELY competitive. Kerry Ridgway won that one in a tie with
a gentleman from Wyoming whose name escapes me (sorry).
Dave started the first multi day XP's in the early 80's first over much of
the original trail in Nevada and Utah, and later over other stretches of
trail. And yes, he has it down to quite a system!
Rick Stewart
E-mail from: R. K. and L.D. Stewart, 10-Sep-1997