ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: AERC membership

RE: AERC membership

Lynn Golemon (lynng@access.mountain.net)
Tue, 9 Sep 1997 12:28:21 -0400


AERC membership runs from December 1 through November 30, so your 1998 =
membership is due December 1. You may send it in at any time specifying =
that it is for 1998. Any ride you complete before December 1 will not =
count towards points or milage if you are not a current member. You =
may, however, pay a research fee and add your milage for 1997 if you =
choose. If you need further help, let me know.

Lynn Golemon
AERC Treasurer
Hi Lynn,

How much is that research fee and how far will it go back to?

Linda, the two greys and the bay

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