Well, yet again another horse I've tried has failed the pre-purchase
exam. I took an Arab mare on a trial, really liked her but began to
get a couple of hints that she might not be 100% in a hind leg. The
vet's exam and radiographs confirmed that she has moderate changes in
the lowest joint of one hock. I'm going to return her to her owner
rather than complete the purchase. She was sold to this guy as a 6 yr
old, unpapered Arabian but she is 7-8 yrs by her teeth and more likely
an anglo-arab or possibly running QTR horse cross. If anyone on the
list would like to know more about this nice mare please contact me
and I can tell you lots more. She is in Md near D.C. and can be bought
for very, very little. There's a lot to like about this horse but her
owner did not get along with her and wants to sell NOW, cheap.