I do think time and weight should count - but I feel like they count more
than they should right now. I've also seen them used a few times in the
LD rides in the last couple years - something that I NEVER remember
happening when I started about 7 years ago. I really think that the LD
rides should not factor in weight or time for BC - (I can understand only
looking at 10 horses cuz the vets are busy enough as it is.) But, I would
like -especially in LD to see 10 horses looked at - if 4 out the the first
10 overrode their horses and decline to show for BC why not open up the BC
to the next 4 finishers?. I feel it is especially important to encourage
new endurance riders to take care of their horses.
An additional note on time and weight overcounting - I don't think horses
lose enough points for CRI, I was 9th on a recent 50 mile ride and requested
the full BC checkup even though I was well behind on time and was not going
to be in the running. My horses CRI was 13/16 which I feel was pretty poor
and he only lost 30 or 40 points (scored 6 out of 9 or 10 possible) times
10 for the total vet score. I would not change the points for time or weight,
but I would like to see more stringent vet score points (more points lost for
CRI above normal, horses unwilling to trot out, etc.)
I've seen the first place horse have the best vet score a lot of times so
I don't think most front runners are over riding their horses at the rides
I attend. There are a few front runners who push their horses but they are
trying to win the ride not the BC award.