It seems to me there are much better issues to discuss than BC Judging,
such as the Ride Time vs.Vet Check times.....Since Vet Checks do not have
a standard "Hold Time" or number of Vet Checks in a ride, these really
have an effect on rides. If you think about it, the easier rides
generally have shorter and less Vet Checks while the tougher rides >>
So perhaps this is reason enough to consider an evolution in the way this is
done. I neve thought of this Randy, since we really ride just to complete.
But you are correct. It probably would contribute also to overridig of
horses, since the time spent in vets checks would need to be made up
somewhere. I recall at one ride having a really TESTY "volunteer" screaming
at us to "hurry up or she would make sure we didn't get a completion". What?
well, those vet checks coming out of a tough climb do indeed slow up horse
and rider, and it seems that an equitable and SAFE competition would consider
this. What do you think? Maybe it is time to change this. Ride time is ride
time is ride time to me.