I agree. I think that a horse receiving Best Condition should be the horse
that is 'most fit to continue'. Meaning, that horse could go out and do
the ride again. I can think of several instances where this has not been
the case; though maybe I am mis-interpreting that best condition means.
At a
>couple of rides, besides best condition, the ride management decided to
>give a high vet score award (within the top ten riders). It was very well
>received. The vets in particular seemed to like giving out that award. It
>rewards riders for riding within their horse's limit instead of exceeding
That sounds like an excellent idea!
I too, have seen riders kicking and whipping their horses down the trail.
Some of the front-runners are very competetive. I've seen them do all
sorts of (unethical) things. Not everybody plays fair. Sad, but true.
My vote would be to somehow lessen the time/weight factor somehow so that
it would be virtually impossible for someone whose horse is trashed to
accumulate enough points to win.