ridecamp@endurance.net: Fw: Re:Pollard/Bran feed value

Fw: Re:Pollard/Bran feed value

Duncan Fletcher (dfletche@gte.net)
Fri, 5 Sep 1997 12:47:17 -0700

Based on what you have said, I am going to guess pollard is same thing that
is listed in NRC's food composition tables as wheat flour by product, but
it could also be mill run. If so, the numbers are as follows (all are based
on wheat):

DE Protein Fiber Ca P Mg K
Bran 2.94 15.4 10.0 0.13 1.13 0.56 1.22
By-product 3.04 16.4 7.8 0.13 0.89 0.34 0.98
Mill run 3.12 15.6 8.2 0.10 1.02 0.47 1.20

All are high energy, low fiber, nominally high protein, (but actual
moderate protein when normalized to energy). All are low in Ca and high in
P. None of these are good feeds in any quantity if fed with a grass hay
diet without supplemental Ca. If alfalfa is being fed, the high Ca in
alfalfa will balance the high P in the above feeds. They are also high in
Mg which would make them inadvisable where Mg levels are high in forage and
enteroliths are common.

Duncan Fletcher

> From: McClements Darryl <dmcclement@infotech.agric.wa.gov.au>
> To: dfletche@gte.net
> Subject: Re:Pollard/Bran feed value
> Date: Thursday, September 04, 1997 3:08 PM
> Duncan,
> I inquired at the milland they said pollard is the by-product of wheaten
> flour, as is the bran in the mill mix. It has a protein content of 14%,
> that's all I could find out?
> Regards, Carol.

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