ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Question re OF dressage saddles
Re: Question re OF dressage saddles
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 23:25:42 -0400 (EDT)
I think there were "pro&con Ortho Flex" discussions before on this list, so
you might also want to check the archives.
I have 2 OF, one Stitchdown which I love but unfortunatly the saddle doesn't
fit my favorite horse, and one Exmoor All Purpose saddle which I learned to
like - because of the mentioned problem with the first one. Both are not
excactly "light weight" saddles, especially the Stitchdown is much havier
than any other English or Endurance saddle I've ever lifted. Mine is also a
little older, from 1990 or 91 when they still made the flexible panels a few
inches bigger. Scatris, my 7year old Arab, is very light bodied, has a short
back and almost no withers. Overall this one was just "too much saddle" for
him. After 3 LD Rides I noticed that he was getting more and more sore in his
loins and switched to the Exmoor (which I found very uncomfortable and was
actually trying to sell at the time).
Although from the same company and equipped with the same panel system the
Exmoor is lighter, puts me (the rider) in a more balanced position (mostly by
having the stirrups further back under me - something I didn't know to
appreciate untill I went for the first longer ride), has a much harder seat
and relatively short flaps which kill me if I don't wear half chaps (I'm
waiting for the day when I get to a Ride and find out that I forgot
But most of all this saddle is the only one that really fits all our horses
incl. Scatris. His lower back problems are gone and meanwhile I have tuned up
the saddle to suit my comfort level: Eazy Stirrups and 2 fleece covers. (I'm
also thinking about one of those gel seat covers....)
Bottom line is: not every Ortho Flex fits every horse. My Missouri Fox
Trotters don't have any problem with either one of my saddles, but especially
if you own an Arabian you might want to try carefully and check wether the
saddle is not rubbing his loins. OF offers so-called "balance shims" to even
out such problems - but at least for my horse they didn't solve the problem.
One other thing to keep in mind (if you're looking for a used one) is to try
to buy a saddle with a new (or at least updated) panel system (if you're in
doubt about a particular saddle you can call OF, they have a record of every
one they ever built). Not only are the new ones smaller and have a better
fit, the older models are also sometimes worn out. I had one fall apart on me
on the trail once - the panels came loose and the whole thing needed to be
and Scatris ("I feel go-oo-oo-od with this saddle! - How about you,
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