ridecamp@endurance.net: Premarin


Don and Jennifer (dandj@thevision.net)
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 17:16:12 -0700

I feel I have to disagree with you. As a horseperson the information from
Redwings was very enlighting. As a Registered Nurse it was educational. I
don't suscribe to other lists and have never read anything so in-depth in
any of the horse chronicles. I would never have realized the horrible
destruction of so many horse if not for this list. AS a nurse I never
learned where this came from. Although this list is for endurance we do get
off track now and then and this was a good topic to go off track.
J.C., Don, and the Gang

I HAVE to DISAGREE with you Dorothy. I cherish my horses, abhor abuse,
and want the world to be a perfect place. However, the endurance list
is to discuss things related to <<ENDURANCE RIDING>>. I quote directly
from the welcome that all endurance list subscribers
receive... _
___ _ __ __| |_ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___
/ _ \ '_ \ / _` | | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \
| __/ | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| __/
\___|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___\___|
the mailing list for endurance and distance riding.

Endurance, a forum for those involved in distance riding to discuss
topics, announce rides and results, ask questions, exchange ideas and=20
experiences. Current subscribers include riders, ride managers,
breeders and trainers, and equipment vendors. <end quote>

There are animal health forums, women's health forums, medical forums,
and other horse forums (equine list, rec.equestrian, etc.) where you can
post these NON-ENDURANCE topics. If you feel that it is important that
folks are aware that you have an update on a subject that doesn't fall
into "things related to endurance", try a brief note that points them to
your home page (?dedicated to Premarin & the horse farms?), or they can
send a request for a periodic newsletter.

You will reach a far greater audience if the Internet search engines can
spot your site or find reference to you publishing a periodic newsletter
to a mailing list that you compile.

Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
Bruceton Mills, WV

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