ridecamp@endurance.net: biothane


Sat, 30 Aug 1997 04:58:09 -0700 (PDT)

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From: Paula
Email: VervaetP@deruyter.k12.ny.us

Have seen alot of discussion about biothane stuff and wonder, are all biothanes created equal? Should I just be shopping for the best price or looking for other signs of better quality?
Someone mentioned The Higher Mark in Fla. as a good source. Anyone know how they can be reached and is there "stuff" of good quality? Does anyone have the biothane from Sportack? Does the ring on the breastplate irritate? Some companies put a backing piece in this area, so I wonder if that's not a better idea. I need a halter/bridle combo also, any comments about the way the bit hooks into these? I notice that different companies sell slightly different configurations. Tell me your experiences please.

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