> From: ridecamp-d-request@endurance.net
> To: ridecamp-d@endurance.net
> Subject: ridecamp-d Digest V97 #561
> Date: Thursday, August 28, 1997 6:29 AM
> ------------------------------
> ridecamp-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 561
> Today's Topics:
> Bluestone for Worms
> Camping VA
> Trailers
> Bitting Sides
> Twin Oaks Ride Results (Long)
> Re: big horses
> Re: Big horses (Karahty)
> Re: ridecamp-d Digest V97 #556
> Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> Re: Welts on back
> Crew/helpers needed for the Pan Am Ride
> Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> VERA State Championship Ride - 24 Aug 97
> RE: Camping in VA
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 16:13:00 -0700
> From: "Blankenship, Ann" <ABlankenship@commerce.ca.gov>
> To: "'ridecamp'" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: Bluestone for Worms
> Message-ID: <c=US%a=_%p=CA%l=CA/TCAHQPO/0002ED86@trade.commerce.ca.gov>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Bruce, I don't know what you mean when you say "dessert spoon". Is that
> what cookbooks call a tablespoon or a teaspoon? Three teaspoons equal
> one tablespoon. And I wasn't clear how many days you feed this recipe.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:41:13 -0300
> From: Gail Dillon <rthogg@epix.net>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Camping VA
> Message-ID: <3404BB19.C20@epix.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Johnson, Donna M. wrote:
> >
> > > Some time back someone on the list mentioned a nice place in VA to go
> > > camping and trail riding. I do not seem to be able to find that
> > > message. Could you please resend the information.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Donna & Rocky
> > >Last summer my husband and I camped with our equines (horse & mule) at
Grayson Highlands
> State Park in SW VA. in the Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area (south of
Marion, VA).
> This is a state park with a separate campground for equine people. There
are primitive
> campsites and a nice shower and toilets. The horses must use the
standing stalls
> (choice of covered or uncovered). You have to have reservations and
apparently it fills
> up pretty fast. Telephone #703 579-7092. It was beautiful! The
campground is about
> 4500 feet elevation (which caused us to lose our transmission, but that's
> story!).
> We've also heard of a place called "Spruce Knob", maybe in West VA.
Anybody know
> anything about that?
> Gail Dillon SE PA.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:35:27 -0400 (EDT)
> From: CATUNDERWD@aol.com
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Trailers
> Message-ID: <970827203458_1394162396@emout07.mail.aol.com>
> This is my first post and I tried four days ago and it has not appeared
> If this ends up being a duplicate please disregard.
> I am currently in the market for a horse trailer. I would like to buy
> aluminum, but can't afford it right now. I've had a steel trailer and
> in north Florida they seem to rust pretty quickly. I have just started
> looking at the aluminum skin trailer as they appear to be a compromise
> between the two. If anyone has any experience or input regarding this
> of trailer I would appreciate you e-mailing me personally at
> CatUnderwd@aol.com. Thanks!
> Cathy Underwood
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 17:51:54 -0700
> From: "G & J Thom" <thomlabs@netbistro.com>
> To: "Endurance" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: Bitting Sides
> Message-Id: <199708280100.SAA17272@fsr.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> I was riding my endurance mare today, we have a 50 mile to go to on
> Sat. This mare is 14yr old and in great shape having been to four rides
> already this summer and doing wonderfully. While I was riding her today
> every couple of minutes her sides would start to quiver and she would
> at her side approx just above my ankle. She would come to a complete
> while doing this. I became quite concerned and decided to walk with her,
> this
> helped a bit as she did this less often. I don't think it was colic as
> wanted to
> eat and passed manure no problem. I had my heart monitor on and she
> at about 70 to 80 and would drop down to 60 very quickly when we stopped.
> My
> friend was with me and said the mare looked very upset everytime this
> happen.
> Am concerned as to whether to let her go to the ride this Sat. I checked
> her blanket
> and cinch to make sure nothing was bothering her that way. Any ideas as
> what
> might be going on would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Julia
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 18:28:35 -0700
> From: "Carol Barrett" <cbar@lightspeed.net>
> To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: Twin Oaks Ride Results (Long)
> Message-Id: <199708280116.SAA04558@lsbsdi1.lightspeed.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Here are the results of the Twin Oaks Ride held last Saturday. For those
> who couldn't come, you missed a good one..........
> ***50 Milers*****
> Starting: 42, Finishing: 30
> BC: Renee Bowers on Hott Property
> **Rider** **Ride Time/ Pull
> 1. Renee Bowers 5:51
> 2. Larry Bowers 6:05
> 3. Wendy Merendini 6:08
> 4. Steven Lenheim 6:31
> 5. Michael Stueve 6:33
> 6. Fred Beahm 6:41
> 7. Anne Wrenn 7:01
> 8. Cherry Stockton 7:01
> 9. Don Harris 7:09
> 10. Kristin Olko 7:10
> 11. Linda Dollar 7:19
> 12. Shelee Lyon 7:19.1
> 13. Robyn Levash 7:30
> 14. Roxanne Greene 7:30.1
> 15. Charlie Robinson 8:01
> 16. Tammy Robinson 8:01.1
> 17. Toni Semple 8:01.2
> 18. Mei Ling Cheung 8:01.3
> 19. Tony Clark 8:10
> 20. Linda Demesek 8:22
> 21. Marci Cunningham 8:35
> 22. Jacay Gamble 8:35.1
> 23. Jim Mitchell 9:16
> 24. Karen Sweaney 9:25
> 25. April Mitchell 9:25.1
> 26. Heather Hackworth 9:49
> 27. Becky Hackworth 9:49.1
> 28. Sarah Zegers 9:50
> 29. Beverly Poorman 10:00
> 30. Laurie Ledbetter 10:00.1
> Diane Enderle OT
> Katie Hackworth L
> Elfta Hilzman L
> Dawn Jenkins RO
> Haleanna Jenkins RO
> Ralph LePera L
> Claire Toomey L
> Suzanne Ford-Huff L
> Janice Martinez L
> Audrey Brooks L
> Michael Core L
> Shari Fisher L
> ***30 Miler***
> 21 Started, 15 Finish
> Finishers:
> Allena Hansen
> Jessica Robinson
> Sharon Johnson
> Cheryl Woskow
> Kathy Johnson
> Terry Woolley-Howe
> Carol Resner
> Kathy Garner
> Kirsten Seyferth
> Maureen O'Sullivan
> Camille Antcliffe
> Cecilia Secka
> Carol Barrett
> Rite Jones
> Janet McGee
> It was a great ride, though we had more pulls this year than last year.
> This is perplexing since the footing was really good. However, there is a
> lot of downhill on the first loop. Perhaps riders got a little carried
> away.
> I hope this ride is put on next year. Unfortunately, I won't be doing it
> (orders from my husband). Also, we had so few riders that my group lost
> money. Since this is a charitable organization, I'm really bummed. Oh,
> well. No one said that putting on rides was a sure thing!
> Are other rides experiencing declining attendance? It seems to me that
> attended quite a few this year where they had less riders than before?
> Also, why do riders go to specific rides? What draws you to ride a
> ride and not another. Your input would be great for us ride managers so
> can work on making our rides "rider friendly". I, for one, decided that a
> great dinner was one way to draw you back. However, this didn't seem to
> it, as evidenced by the less than stellar turn-out.
> Anyway, enough of my sniveling. Sorry this is so long, but it was
> I post these results. See you on the trail!
> Carol Barrett
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 18:53:16 -0700
> From: Kimberly Price <PLOUGH1@ix.netcom.com>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: big horses
> Message-ID: <3404DA0C.36F7@ix.netcom.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hi Susan & Ridecamp,
> Mystery is 16.2 but he is tall ... not really bulky. He is muscular and
> in excellent shape these days. We are just beginners in endurance, but
> I compare him often to the arabs and note these differences.
> He takes time to warm up. He needs to get those muscles moving a good
> 20 minutes. So far he cools off easy, has a very low resting
> heartrate. He is becoming more and more fit, but I don't believe can
> keep up the very fast and efficient trots and gallops many of the 50 and
> 100 mile arabs do.
> We are doing our first 50 at Cuneo Creek if all goes well. Wish us
> luck!
> I'm glad you are still adding such great information on the list. What
> an eye opener for the bot fly problem.
> Take care,
> Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
> Pt.Reyes, CA
> rom: Susan Evans Garlinghouse <suendavid@worldnet.att.net>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Big horses
> Message-ID: <3403C900.481E@worldnet.att.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hiya group,
> I was wondering if anyone had any comments on big (as in over 16 hands)
> horses in endurance. I know they have problems that smaller horses
> don't and I'm not considering going out and looking for a prospect that
> big. However, I do have a Karahty colt out of my TB mare that at
> 16-months-old is a solid 15.1 hands. At this rate, he should mature at
> least at 16 hands, maybe more, and I'm wondering if I should forget
> about a distance career for him and drag out the dressage saddle (not
> that he won't do that, too.)
> I was just wondering if anyone is out there competing on big horses and
> doing well in 50's, multi-days and/or 100's. "Doing well" does not
> necessarily mean Top Tens every time out, I'm actually more interested
> in high mileage horses. Are there any problems you're having that you
> associate with the size---increased lameness, foot problems, trouble
> dispersing heat, etc? What breeds?
> Thanks for the input.
> Susan Evans Garlinghouse and the ever-growing George of the Jungle
> (formerly aka Spudnuts until the nice man with the sharp knife and the
> Happy Juice came and took them away).
> - ----------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 18:48:15 -0700
> From: Reynolds <jakar@aiinc.com>
> To: David Bennett <benamil@juno.com>
> CC: Ridecamp@endurance.net, suendavid@worldnet.att.net
> Subject: Re: Big horses (Karahty)
> Message-ID: <3404D8DF.1C2D@aiinc.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Dave,
> I'd like to see your list here in ridecamp. I think this kind of info
> would be interesting to most of us. Wazir's Karahty seems to be a
> popular endurance sire and knowing more about him wouldn't hurt. I saw
> him on his way to winning a ride here in Nevada a few years ago and he
> looked like he could go on forever. He's a tall, but not heavily built
> horse with a go-gettum attitude. He was a happy camper out there on the
> trail that day!
> ~Nikki
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 19:12:16 -0700
> From: Don and Jennifer <dandj@thevision.net>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: ridecamp-d Digest V97 #556
> Message-Id: <199708280212.TAA29677@vs1.invsn.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> After my brother's trailer accident, he turned it over on highway 17 in
> middle of Oakland, I was reluctant to trailer. When I first started I
> worried about everything. Now I just go with one horse who has to be
> and one who can't be. My trailer is a '55 Miley with a center divide
> stays in or the door won't close. I tried different things from this
> (love the archives) and found what works for my horses. Have fun!
> Also, I would like to try my first ride. Where would I find information
> Ca.'s Central Valley for a short distance ride.
> Jennifer and Don and the Gang
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:14:21 -0700
> From: "Duncan Fletcher" <dfletche@gte.net>
> To: "cameron wood" <wood.cameron@acd.net>
> Cc: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> Message-Id: <199708280323.WAA18428@smtp.gte.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Without good reason, I generally don't want to be the first one on my
> to use any new chemical (read that as food, medicine, etc.), but I would
> take a product that has had to jump through all the approvals (read that
> Quest) than one that has not (copper sulfate).
> I know nothing about Quest. I would be interested in any information
> can post that would indicate what parasites and what stages of those
> parasites the drug is effective against. Also what the safety margin is
> (perhaps a LD50 number). The most troublesome parasite with traditional
> wormers (except for ivermectin) is bots. Other boticides have very narrow
> margins of safety. Ivermectin also has its limitations - ineffective
> against tapeworms.
> Duncan Fletcher
> dfletche@gte.net
> ----------
> > From: cameron wood <wood.cameron@acd.net>
> > To: Duncan Fletcher <dfletche@gte.net>
> > Cc: ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> > Subject: Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> > Date: Tuesday, August 26, 1997 8:46 PM
> >
> >
> > > Ivermectrin has been widely used, and the problems are speculation.
> > Jumping
> > > to something with no track record at all may have all sorts of
> > > risks. For those concerned about overuse of wormer, by all means use
> good
> > > sanitation and pasture management practices and fecal exams to reduce
> the
> > > need for worming, but jump to a different wormer with limited
> > >
> > > Duncan Fletcher
> > > dfletche@gte.net
> > >
> >
> > There's another class of dewormer on the market, an alternative to the
> > avermectins (ie, Ivermectin). Gets everything that Ivermectin does,
> > goes one step further... gets the encysted stages of strongyles too.
> It's
> > called moxydectin (trade name "Quest") . Available now through
> > veterinarians.
> >
> > The manufacturers recommend using this dewormer (and ONLY this dewormer
> > <g>) four times a year .... their studies indicate that it take 12
> > for eggs to appear in fecals after using moxydectin because the
> > larvae are not emerging to produce them.
> >
> > This is a product with a limited history, but I'll try it because of
> > testing that's been done on it (moxydectin has been used in Europe and
> > America for years with no harmful effects to horses). Sure seems a lot
> > safer than using copper at an unspecified dose....
> >
> > Happy trails,
> > Shannon W. LVT
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:46:17 -0700
> From: Zebella <zebella@idt.net>
> To: Duncan Fletcher <dfletche@gte.net>
> CC: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> Message-ID: <3404F489.2708@mail.idt.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Duncan Fletcher wrote:
> > I know nothing about Quest. I would be interested in any information
> > (perhaps a LD50 number). The most troublesome parasite with traditional
> > wormers (except for ivermectin) is bots. Other boticides have very
> Quest is effective against every worm ivermectin is, PLUS encysted small
> strongyles....(including bots)
> It says it has been shown to delay the reappearance of worm eggs for 84
> days, compared to ivermectin's 42.....thus needing to be used only 4
> times per year.
> I couldn't fine the LD50? number, but they do have a number to call 1
> 800 477-1365..I would assume they could give you that info.
> I plan on trying this myself.....one selling point is that it is a gel
> rather than a pste, and is supposed to dissolve almost instantly in the
> horse's mouth (ie no more scooping up the spit out wormer and trying to
> shove it in their mouths <G>)
> Runs a little higher than ivermectin at $14.50 (local feed store) to
> $13.95 (Jeffers) but that is offset by only having to buy 4 doses rather
> than 6....
> sounds like an interesting new product
> tracy
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:54:10 -0700
> From: Reynolds <jakar@aiinc.com>
> To: zebella@idt.net
> CC: Duncan Fletcher <dfletche@gte.net>, ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> Message-ID: <3404F662.17A4@aiinc.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Tracy,
> What IS Quest? I've never even heard of it. I gathered from yours and
> Duncan's posts that it's something besides ivermectin.
> ~Nikki
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 01:09:09 -0700
> From: "Linda S. Flemmer" <bluwolf@earthlink.net>
> To: fwpa@mail.net1.net
> CC: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: Welts on back
> Message-ID: <34053225.394C@earthlink.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Fred W Patrick wrote:
> > Anyway, when I ride for a long period of time (4 or 5 hours) she will
> > get something that resembles big welts on her back in the saddle pad
> > area. They are usually around the back part of the pad. They don't
> > seem to be painful but they just seem to crop up.
> >
> > What causes this and what can I do to prevent it??
> You are experiencing pressure points in that location where the plaques
> or welts are arising. You didn't say what type of saddle you're using &
> much about your riding experience, but either your weight is back a
> little or the saddle doesn't spread out the weight over a big enough
> surface. These pressure points are <not> dependant on heat. They were
> called "heat bumps" years ago before folks recognized them for what they
> were.
> If you are willing to try a "patch fix", get a good pad - foam or gel -
> to redistribute the weight. I've found natural wool pad covers do
> better for "thin-skinned" horses as compared to synthetics. The better
> but infinitely more expensive option is to get a new saddle that helps
> to eliminate the problem. It is very hard to try out a saddle for 5 hrs
> and still be able to return it. Some manufacturers do offer such a
> guarrantee, so ask before you buy. (You have more leverage with the
> seller before the deal has closed.)
> Ask somebody to evaluate your seat and riding style. They may be able
> to offer suggestions to help you balance & distribute the weight better.
> Good luck.
> Linda Flemmer
> Blue Wolf Ranch
> Bruceton Mills, WV
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 22:18:52 -0600
> From: JERRY BARFIELD <barfield@primenet.com>
> To: "'RIDECAMP'" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: Crew/helpers needed for the Pan Am Ride
> Message-ID: <01BCB337.37224FE0@ip-47-157.fhu.primenet.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Dear Friends and supports of the Mt. Squad;
> =09
> The Mt. Squad is heading to Bend, Oregon for the Pan American =
> Championship and if anyone is interested in helping crew for the riders
> please let me know. As are all endurance riders,( but particularly the =
> Mt. Squad) they are always kind and considerate of their crew; they =
> never loose their temper in the heat of competition; and are always =
> humble and ever so appreciative!
> This will be a dynamite team so if anyone is interested in helping the =
> team please let me know.
> Bernita Barfield
> Mt. Squad Promoter and "Funraising Chairman" =20
> Phone 520-378-6994 (evenings) or e-mail me at barfield@primenet.com
> Sierra Vista Arizona
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 22:43:00 -0700
> From: "Duncan Fletcher" <dfletche@gte.net>
> To: "Duncan Fletcher" <dfletche@gte.net>,
> "cameron wood" <wood.cameron@acd.net>
> Cc: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> Message-Id: <199708280546.AAA10719@smtp.gte.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Shortly after posting this, my wife presented me with the latest copy of
> Equus. The marketing blitz is on. There is a huge ad for Quest. As has
> mentioned, they claim an effectiveness against encysted small strongyles
> and a longer effective time and reduced wormer frequency. The reason for
> the longer time between wormings is not given, but suspect it is because
> catches the encysted
> worms which would are further along in their life cycle. They make no
> claims about lungworms, intestinal threadworms or summer sores - don't
> if it is ineffective or not tested or how common those problems are. It
> also, like ivermectin, makes no claim against tapeworms. This is a
> and requires a double dose of strongid once a year to control (fecal
> examination is not accurate for tape worms). It is labled for use on
> over 4 months which means some other wormer would be required for new
> foals. Safety margin is not clear, but from mode of action, I would
> it is similar to ivermectin.
> Quest mode of action is also interference with neurotransmission for
> who are concerned (I am not - although I am open to information on this).
> Duncan Fletcher
> dfletche@gte.net
> ----------
> > From: Duncan Fletcher <dfletche@gte.net>
> > To: cameron wood <wood.cameron@acd.net>
> > Cc: ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> > Subject: Re: An Alternate Strategy For Worms
> > Date: Wednesday, August 27, 1997 8:14 PM
> >
> > Without good reason, I generally don't want to be the first one on my
> block
> > to use any new chemical (read that as food, medicine, etc.), but I
> > take a product that has had to jump through all the approvals (read
> as
> > Quest) than one that has not (copper sulfate).
> >
> > I know nothing about Quest. I would be interested in any information
> anyone
> > can post that would indicate what parasites and what stages of those
> > parasites the drug is effective against. Also what the safety margin is
> > (perhaps a LD50 number). The most troublesome parasite with traditional
> > wormers (except for ivermectin) is bots. Other boticides have very
> > margins of safety. Ivermectin also has its limitations - ineffective
> > against tapeworms.
> >
> > Duncan Fletcher
> > dfletche@gte.net
> >
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:08:55 +1000
> From: Luke Steele <luke.steele@fujitsu.com.au>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: VERA State Championship Ride - 24 Aug 97
> Message-Id: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Victorian Endurance Riders Association
> State Championship Endurance Ride - 24 August 1997
> The venue for this year’s 160 km state championship was Lyrebird Park, in
> the Gembrook State Forest near Yellingbo, 50 kilometres east of
> Amenities were excellent, with a bunkhouse, dining room, stables and hot
> showers.
> There were 25 starters this year, which was a little down on the number
> nominations, but was still a good turnout. The course was in four legs,
> 50 km, 45 km, 50 km and a nice short and easy 15 km to finish off. The
> weather started to close in on Friday night, with cold, wet weather
> promised. The midnight start was under clear skies and was very orderly,
> with riders starting behind the ride organiser’s truck.
> Just over three hours later, the first riders returned to camp, as light
> rain started to fall. Five millimetres of rain fell by sunrise, making
> track very slippery in places. Several horses were removed from the
> competition by the end of the second leg, all showing slight lameness.
> field was well spread out by this stage with a few hours separating the
> leaders from the back of the field.
> The weather had turned cold, with the rain falling as sleet and later
> making conditions very uncomfortable for all. Several more horses vetted
> out at the end of the third leg, with lameness and a few metabolic
> The leading rider, Kevin Bohm headed out on the last leg in a heavy
> hailstorm. Shortly after, Gayle Holmes set out on the last leg. Around an
> hour later, both riders had returned, with Kevin first over the line. His
> mare vetted out lame at the final check. Gayle presented her gelding soon
> after, and he vetted out lame also. Next over the line was Marion Noonan.
> The mare she rode was the first to vet successfully, and a very surprised
> Marion was to take line honours.
> Over the next 5 or so hours, those horses who survived the third leg all
> vetted in successfully at the final check. All eyes were on 13 year old
> Nick Cadman from Wodonga. He and his mare Charlotte were attempting their
> first 100 miler, in very difficult conditions. He came in off the third
> cold and wet, but in good spirits. After a shower and a change of
> he set off on the last leg alone in the dark. An hour and a half later,
> returned to the cheers of the waiting crowd. A bigger cheer went up when
> Charlotte was declared fit to continue at the final check.
> Despite the very low completion rate, the event was a great success. The
> difficult course, slippery track and appalling weather took their toll.
> those horses vetted out were never of serious concern to the vetting
> all recovering well after the ride. Riders reported snow on the hills,
> plenty of hail and sleet out on course.
> Completions (25 started)
> 1st Mwt Marion Noonan Kelkette Park Dardinelle ch m 13:47
> 1st Jnr Naomi McGaffin Kelkette Park Nathan b g 14:40
> =1st Lwt Gillian Barber Yarra Park Keshena ch m 14:40
> =1st Lwt Janet Hunter Windsong Nazaar gr g 14:40
> 2nd Mwt Catherine Jones Kelkette Park Keira b m 17:31
> 3rd Mwt Diane Costello Doran Park Kabuki gr m 17:42
> 4th Mwt Katrina Westerhoff Chevy b g 18:33
> 2nd Jnr Nick Cadman Charlotte ch m 19:03
> horseman@hotkey.net.au -or-
> luke.steele@fujitsu.com.au
> http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/7483/
> Luke and Nikita and Sarah and Shadrach
> Riddells Creek, Victoria, Australia
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:44:31 -0400
> From: "lahayward" <haywardl@shentel.net>
> To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: RE: Camping in VA
> Message-Id: <199708281145.HAA23293@head.globalcom.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Blue Ridge Shadows Farms: We offer primitive camping, primitive cabin
> rental and modern cabin rentals all close to trails in the George
> Washington National Forest.
> There are over 50 miles of Forest trails 1/2 mile ride(trails - no hard
> top) from the facility.
> We are a 20 min. trailer ride from Old Dominion trails and a 20 min.
> trailer ride from trails in Shenandoah National Park. We also offer
> service to the trails. We are open year round as trails in the Forest
> very rideable in the winter. We are 15 miles from Harrisonburg, VA.
> If anyone is interested call 540-298-0687 for rates and reservations.
> Happy Trails!
> Lori Hayward
> email: haywardl@shentel.net
> --------------------------------
> End of ridecamp-d Digest V97 Issue #561
> ***************************************