ridecamp@endurance.net: Why Riders Attend Rides

Why Riders Attend Rides

Anita Burson (aburson@webtv.net)
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 13:49:29 -0500

Re Carol Barret's question about why a rider attends l ride but not
another. One of the
things that's most important to me is nice trails
that are well marked and good ride manage-
ment. I do this sport for fun and when a ride is
poorly managed (which usually will include
poorly marked trails) I just don't go back unless
I hear that improvments have been made. I
don't like to do "road rides". Heaven knows I don'tneed miles that
badly. And by "roads," I meantrails that run alongside paved roads. I
can handle quite a lot of dirt roads if I just don't have to handle
traffic as well!
Dinners that are provided are a wonderful perk
if you know about them beforehand. I put on
a really nice BBQ at my ride but was unable to
get the sponsrship until last minute, so lots of
folks didn't know about it. Still, we fed about
l00 people.
Have enough vets and enough volunteers.
Gosh! It sounds like I'm demanding perfection!
I'm not, of course. But if you try to get most
these thngs right, things will usually fall into

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