I was riding my endurance mare today, we have a 50 mile to go to on
Sat. This mare is 14yr old and in great shape having been to four rides
already this summer and doing wonderfully. While I was riding her today
every couple of minutes her sides would start to quiver and she would bite
at her side approx just above my ankle. She would come to a complete stop
while doing this. I became quite concerned and decided to walk with her,
thishelped a bit as she did this less often. I don't think it was colic as she
wanted toeat and passed manure no problem. I had my heart monitor on and she
at about 70 to 80 and would drop down to 60 very quickly when we stopped.
My friend was with me and said the mare looked very upset everytime this would
happen.Am concerned as to whether to let her go to the ride this Sat. I checked
her blanketand cinch to make sure nothing was bothering her that way. Any
ideas as to
whatmight be going on would be appreciated.ThanksJulia