ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: spam
Re: spam
Linda B. Merims (lbm@ici.net)
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 04:47:10 -0400 (EDT)
We do not see enough information in the "From:" field of
any of the spams to be able to track down where they
are really coming from. Only the system administrator
has access to that detailed header information, and then
only by taking special steps to try to capture it before
the listserver machinery edits it out. It is a popular
ploy of confirmed spammers to put in fake "From:"
fields, often substituting some third party they don't
like in order to afflict them with the bombardment of
angry responses the spam is sure to generate.
Stephanie's solution to restrict posting to only
subscribers or to people who send from a special form
on the web page is the right solution. It just needs a
little extra attention to make it work right. I am
sure this will occur eventually.
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA
Rider Directory