ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Fresh Water Tank

Re: Fresh Water Tank

Duncan Fletcher (dfletche@gte.net)
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 12:52:45 -0700

My water tank is a 55 gal plastic drum. I would certainly flush the pipes.
I might be a bit concerned about what the heater is made off although I
doubt any damage woudl be done for the 15 minutes I left the bleach
solution in. If I flushed it with bleach solution, I would probably be a
little fussier about rinsing the bleach solution out.

Duncan Fletcher

> From: Bonnie Short <carriage@olympus.net>
> [snip]
> The clorox flush is probably a good idea....probably will start doing
> too. Do you run it thru the water heater and pipes too?
> Thanks, Bonnie the sorta tall Short

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