This is from the owner's manuel for our motorhome:
Sanitize the fresh water tank and piping approximately every three months,
and whenever the motor home sits for a prolonged period. This will
discourage the growth of bacteria and other organisms that can contaminate
the water supply. Use chlorine/fresh water rinse as follows:
1. Prepare a solution of ¼ cup household liquid chlorine bleach (5% sodium
hypochlorite) to one gallon of water for each 15 gallons of tank capacity.
2. Close drain valves and faucets, pour chlorine solution into the fresh
water tank filler spout, and complete filling with fresh water.
3. Turn water pump switch ON. (Be sure you have 12-volt DC power.) Open
all faucets individually until water flows steadily, then turn off. This
will purge any air from the lines.
4. Top off water tank with fresh water and wait three hours.
5. Drain the entire system by opening all fresh water tank valves, faucets,
and plumbing line drain valves.
6. Flush the system with drinking quality water. Let the fresh water flow
through the system for several minutes to flush out the chlorine solution.
7. After you stop the flushing, close the tank valve, faucets, and drain
valves. You can now fill the tank with fresh water, and the system is ready
to use.
Hope this helps you. But to tell you the truth, even after my husband does
all of the above, I still take a couple of gallons of water for my main
DRINKING water when I go to a ride. :-)