I'm also finding out how long it takes for this message to get to
ridecamp. I'm on the digest and keep having problems...sometimes my
posts take around 3 days to get there so why bother sending any? I'm
hoping Steph's recent maintanance will help.
Congrads to Ellie the Jr that came in 2 on Swanton 100. Watch out for
her folks, she's been training, conditioning, and pacing with some of
the best. The girl has a lot of heart and I predict will be well known
in the future. Who says this sport isn't for Jr's. Sure, there may not
be a lot of older adults now who started as Jr's as the sport was still
new when they were younger, but I think that is changing and they are
very important to this sport. I especially like the emphasis placed on
taking care of the horse first.
Finally, for newbies on the list, be sure to try the Endurance search
gateway to discover old posts on repeated subjects. You can sort by
date, name or subject all of the archives. It is a wonderful tool.
Happy riding to all. Good luck Karen C on your Gardnerville Gallop
ride. It sounds like it will be a great ride with great prizes. Wish I
were either closer or had more money or both!
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab..."trotting around Pt.Reyes")
sent 8/22 3:10 pm pst