ridecamp@endurance.net: Ridecamp Admin: old posts and closed list

Ridecamp Admin: old posts and closed list

Steph Teeter (step@fsr.com)
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 14:51:28 -0700

Hi group - sorry about the old posts that are being resent.
We're running up against a bit of a problem:

A few months ago we decided to make this list a
closed list - ie, if you want to post a message,
you must subscribe to the list. The purpose in doing
this was to filter out all the spam and junk mail.
Well as it turns out, there were a lot of people that
don't subscribe, but rely on the archives to keep
up - and they routinely send messages to the
list. All the non-subscriber messages are then bounced
back to the list administrator who must read through
them all, decide which ones are valid, and then send them
back out. This means going through hundreds of bounced
messages - and the potential for making mistakes is pretty

So, we are going to stop hand-filtering the bounced
messages and require that you be a subscribed member
if you want to correspond via email. If you send email to
the list it will not be posted unless you are a subscribed

**But**, we are allowing a web-based anonymous posting
to the list. If a non-subscriber wishes to post a message
to Ridecamp, he/she may go to the Ridecamp web page
(http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp/) and use a form to
post a message. The post will then be sent to the list from
guest@endurance.net (a subscribed member). BUT, you'll
have to make sure that you include your real email
address in your message so that people reply to you,
instead of guest@endurance.net.

Closing the list may also affect some of you who are
subscribers: if you are subscribed as sue@home.net but
try to post a message from someplace else, such as
your work email address, you must make sure that
the return address is the one that is your subscribed
address - sue@home.net. The message will bounce
if the return address is your work address.

Let me know if you have problems.

Steph Teeter

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