Hi I am new to this list and thought I'd add my 2cents in on horse theives.
My mom's horse escaped the fence one day and disappeared. After driving
around we were lucky and found her in about 2 days. The guy thought he had
here hidden well. Although he charged my us an arm and a leg for "board"
and insisted that he had saved her from being hit on train tracks we got her
back. Apparently a big ring exsits in Ca.'s Central Valley. About once a
year out local paper publishes an article on safety. After walking out to
the pasture one day and finding a t-shirt and a string tied around my
horse's neck, we padlock the gate, my brother keeps his rifle handy, and the
dogs and geese make enough racket if anyone drives into the yard. We also
made sure to make friends with the neighbors and the farmers and the
irrigators for the surrounding property so we feel safe.
J.C. and Don and all the gang