My mare injured a tendon this summer - acute onset -
i.e. one step she was fine, the next she was lame.
There was no swelling or tenderness at all and she
was sound when trotted out in hand. Two weeks
later I rode her again, by the end of the ride she was
exhibiting intermittent lameness - slight, but persistent.
At the time I thought it was a stone bruise since there
was no heat or swelling, so I started her again the next
morning with easy boots. A couple miles out she was
off again so we came back, still no immediate evidence
of injury. After a couple hours she developed a very slight
swelling halfway up the leg, around the flexor tendon.
I wrapped it with a furacin/dmso sweat. The next day
the swelling was totally gone and she trotted out sound.
BUT, 6 weeks later I took her in for an ultra sound,
wanting to see if there was anything going on that
should prohibit her returning to work -
the ultra sound showed that there had been minor difuse
fraying of the flexor tendon fibers - ie bowed tendon.
3 months minimum recovery - 6 months recommended.
With rest and a gradual return to work she should be
fine next year.
Lesson here - just because there's little or no swelling
and heat, doesn't mean there isn't a serious injury there.
Had I returned her to work instead of getting the ultra sound,
she may have done much more serious damage
later on. And, had I stopped riding her after the first
lame step, she may not have damaged the tendon as
much as she did!