ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Premarin

RE: Premarin

Al Randall. (maven@foothills.eznet.com)
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:03:00 -0700

Nice job, Bonnie. Thank Heaven, you had the information to present =
"reality"! If it were up to the "wacko, radical, activists" (including =
many of the media) who run around screaming, "the sky is falling", we =
would believe their emotionally motivated half truths and turn all of =
our wonderful equine companions loose to create havoc on the =
countryside. (I sound like "Rush" don't I?) Thanks, once again, for a =
"thoughtful, balanced view" of what is really happening. Best regards, =
From: Bonnie Short[SMTP:carriage@olympus.net]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 1997 12:47 PM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: re: Premarin

Hi all,

I had the same feelings you had on the PMS farms. I have read quite a =
of information on these farms in Canada, which has made me reconsider my

Alot of the foals are by warmblood, quarterhorse, arabian, and other
registered stallions. The foals are available for purchase. Most are =
used for the meat market as thought. I doubt the meat market would be
after foals.

There are rules that govern these PMS farms and their horses. They have =
have so many days of pasture after so many days of stall. They are in =
stalls, but they have to be certain sizes. I wish I still had the =
I have read to give you nore information.

Animal activists are out there in full force guys. They would have us =
riding a horse at all. They were at the local fairs a couple of years =
harrassing the 4-H kids about riding horses. Come on.... What is going =
happen if they start to get their way? We will not see horses except in

We see cruelty in all forms to horses. The worst in my book is the
uninformed person who is being cruel and doesn't even realize it. I =
seen lame horses run down the side of the roads with 2 big kids on their
backs, day after day. I have seen horses with their heads so far in the
air from having an unbalanced rider balancing on their mouths. And then
there are the trainers we have heard of who have bled their horses so =
would be calm in the show ring. Or tied up their heads to the ceilings =
the stall all night so they would go with their heads down rolling =
in the pleasure ring. There are people out there that think endurance
riders are cruel to ride a horse so far and so hard. One can find all =
of thinking on this matter.

Calves especially for veal have gotten the same uninformed publicity. =
you ever seen two calves on bottles or buckets? They will suck eachother
causing all sorts of other problems. Long story made short, they are
better off in small pens by themselves instead of together. A fact that
the media made sound so awful.

We tend to listen and believe everything we hear. Is there anyone out
there who has been in the barns? Better yet worked at these farms? If =
proof is in the pudding, I want proof with my pudding.

This could be an awful nice retirement life for those lame mares out =
that are currently going to the knackers (meat). =20

I personally have started looking into buying one of the foals. They =
available at reasonable prices. It is expensive to raise a foal. Alot =
the kids horses have already gone to the knackers. It is expensive to =
any kind of horse anymore. These farms may help solve some of this =

The reason so many horses have gone to the knackers in the first place =
they are willing to pay a higher price than john q. public but that is a
whole different thought.

I know there are some of you that will not see this the way I do, and so =
it. We all have our opinions. I am just asking you to think about this
before you jump in.... Maybe not everything is bad about it.

Happy trails,


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