Which is to say, "A horse is a horse, of course, of course," BUT...
People who go all mystical over animals (and I have my moments of that)
sometimes forget that good old evolution is still at work on humans and
horses. Only time will tell whether we will evolve in a mutually compatible
direction, and that's totally leaving out the question of how humans
may decide to alter the natural course of evolution. We already are
by selective breeding, but that's nothing compared to real genetic
The point about "living by complicated artifice" is so true! Horses
are rather good at providing a connection to the natural world.
and Charlie (I connected you really good last month, didn't I?)
Sallijan Snyder, Santa Clara, CA | ==> I am not a speaker-for-Intel.
(408)765-9068 wrk (408)629-5909 hm | "Give me land, lots of land
Internet: jsnyder@td2cad.intel.com | Under starry skies above--
or sallijan@ix.netcom.com | Don't fence me in!"
*IZCC #42, ZONC #97043* | --Cole Porter