PLease edit, sign and send to the USDA. Our voices must be heard.
August 7, 1997
Hon. Daniel Glickman
Secretary of Agriculture, USDA
Jamie L. Whitten Federal Building
1400 Independence Ave. SW, RM 200A
Washington, DC 20250
Dear Secretary Glickman:
I am sure that you are aware of the horrors that over 100,000 slaughter
bound equines face in the United States each year. That they are loaded into
"possum-belly" trailers and shipped, often for days without rest, to
slaughterhouses around the country and Canada. That often they are injured
or dead upon arrival.
On March 28, 1996 Congress passed a bill that allows for the regulation of
the transportation of horses to slaughter. It is my understanding that the
implementation of the bill awaits your allocation of an estimated $411,000
to begin the rule-making and implementation process.
As a concerned horse owner I encourage you to fund the bill and assist the
horse industry in addressing one of its biggest tragedies.
I appreciate your consideration of this important issue.
Jessica Tuteur
J-M Ranch
1393 Green Valley Rd.
Napa, CA 94558
(707) 258-1937 tel & fax