Anyone have any replies to this???
Plus..Mystery's cold is mysteriously gone...could it just be from the
stress of a ride almost 2 weeks ago? Strange but it was not imagined
and nothing different about feeding/ grooming to cause allergic
reactions. And it definately started Sunday, disappeared by Thurs a.m.
Hmmmmm (comments?)
Nice poem Tina, do you set all your adventures to verse?
AND, my horse knows how to WHOA, but because he is a free spirit and
sometimes moody...chooses at times not to! He has grown very "ranch
bound" living out there at Pt.Reyes, especially since he knows all the
trails. Hence, I also need something that will enforce the flex and
turn I signal with my legs and weight when he is misbehav'in.
Any comments on Kat Swigart's (sorry if spelled wrong) articles in
Trail Blazer? I've tried out the downhill and feel it works well with
Mystery. I can feel his hind under him and him being light on the
front...his back is almost straight. Amazing.....
Ok, back to work. I'm glad I'm still getting digest today. Happy
riding to all...hope you're enjoying the summer! Welcome to Katja, my
german friend who just subscribed. HINT: ask her any dressage
questions or jumping questions you want!!! :-)
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
Pt.Reyes, CA