ridecamp@endurance.net: Re:Sore Knees

Re:Sore Knees

Helga Loncosky (hblmh@ptd.net)
Thu, 7 Aug 1997 07:12:51 -0400

I find this to be very interesting...and a relief! I also had this problem,
only in my left knee. But I know what mine is from, and have pretty well
corrected it myself. I have trouble with my left hip popping out on me. So
the muscles on my left side aren't nearly as supple. I also do these
stretches and exercises. The Basic requirements of dressage have also
helped to align and strengthen this side. I don't sit so biased any more
either, as a result. A relief to my mare! But it does take work!

Helga Loncosky
Beacon Morgan Horses
"There is something about the outside of a horse
that is good for the inside of a man."
-----------Winston Churchill

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