ridecamp@endurance.net: PRE-PURCHASE EXAMS


Carl Meyer (r073@citrus.infi.net)
Fri, 01 Aug 1997 17:28:37 +0000

that's a reasonable fee but the amount of time taken is extremely long.
With x-rays and ultra sound two hours would be nomenal. I donot believe
ultrasound is indicated unless there are swellings (hot or cold) and/or
a lameness so slight as a grade 1. Along the same line X-rays are only
an adjunct to a clinical lameness. One can read many ostelytic changes
into X-rays especially in the navicular area.There is much controversy
within the profession concerning osteolytic changes is the navicular
bone relative to soundness. Many an eight year old campaigner has osteo
changes of the navicular that would be called naviculitis, however these
guys are sound as a bell of brass.Then these x-rays are at best a sign
of changes relative to the horses work habits. To equate then x-rays,
past history of work,clinical physical exam and perhaps ultrasound with
expertise of the veterinarian's pathophysiology gives a excellent
prepurchase exam for a minimum $500. You get what you pay for.
Carl J. Meyer D.V.M.

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