ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: What make's an ideal horse camp?

Re: What make's an ideal horse camp?

Kathy Myers (kathy@nvolve.com)
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 10:29:32 -0700

GEEZ, Don't tell everyone about Jack Brooks! Then there will be
a year long waiting list for spots like there is for Yosemite!
Oh, and for those who like to plan ahead and actually call a year
ahead for camping reservations, Yosemite has nice horse friendly
camping with perminant corrals too.

My understanding about Jack Brooks is that the gate only
opens twice an hour... inbound at one time and outbound 1/2 hour
later to get around the 1 rig road problem. Once in a while
someone tries going up the down staircase, but then *everyone*
in California hears about it and knows who...

The trails are spectacular. I know they make for good training
because you see quite a few *real* endurance horses... read
"weenie" ;-) or... not TB ex-racers with old football injuries.

:) :) :) -kat
in No. Cal with Magnum the TB ex-racer
1981 b g 5-0-3/23, ret.
"You can eat your betting money, but don't bet your eatin' money."


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