When you put the boot on...take some vaseline and rub it along the heel
strap and metal buckles on the boot. Then, like you said, don't use as
much foam. Wrap the foot with vetrap about three or four times around
roll of vetwrap will do 2 feet that way)...make sure you leave a good
laying over the bottom of the shoe. That will help keep the vetwrap
coming up over the back of the foot when you pull the boot on, and will
help pull the foam out in one big piece when you are done.
Then, when you remove them...soak down the legs and get as much water
the boots as possible. Let the horse walk around for a few minutes.
again. Then loosen up with a flathead screwdriver and a flat chisel.
it's not softened up enough, then loosen all the way around the boot so
separates from the hoof, and soak some more. You can let it soak for
awhile...let the horse have a break or whatever and come back in an
(hint: soak the feet down good before you trailer home)
Now just pry all the way around, work from side to side - back and
It should pop off now within a couple of minutes.
I also put vaseline on the back of the heel bulb underneath the vetwrap.
When the boot comes off, the vetwrap should pull out with the foam all
one great big chunk :-)))))). It's much easier that way than using
to pluck it out a chunk at a time.
Happy Trails,
& Weaver...vet just gave us an A++++ we can ride!!!! yeah
& Rocky..and we both got our teeth floated but how come only I got
Just cuz Weaver is dopey all the time doesn't mean he should get out of
it, NO FAIR!!!!!
End of ridecamp-d Digest V97 Issue #486