ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Feeding times

Re: Feeding times

Linda S. Flemmer (bluwolf@earthlink.net)
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 01:15:34 -0700

AkhalTeke2@aol.com wrote:
> ........................................
> feeding time window (write in either 30, 90 or 180 minutes, whatever is
> closest to your practice):

When I'm home! I work irregular hours at a hospital, so the horses are
fed 2 times a day. They're normally very happy to see me, whenever I
can get home. Usually breakfast is between 5 AM and 9 AM, and dinner is
at dusk. They still anticipate dinner (watch the sun?), but they graze
before breakfast until I call them.

> Grain - times of feeding per day:

Twice daily

> Roughage - times of feeding per day:

Continuous access to lush pasture or the BEST grass hay that I can find.
There is always grass or hay in front of them.

> Grain and Roughage at the same time? (yes or no):

Yes. I have one horse who would eat the hay before touching the grain!
Much easier to give it to them all at once & let them decide which they
want and when. My feeling, again, is that they should never be out of
fresh, high quality roughage. (In our case, timothy hay.)

> Colics of horses since on this regime:

NONE in 18 years!

> Number of horses kept on your schedule:


Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
Bruceton Mills, WV


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