One of the tummy trouble issues endurance riders have to deal with is
not just what foods are good during rides, but also what combinations of
foods can be taken at the same time. For example, over the years I've
noticed that citrus (orange juice, etc.) and grain products (bread,
etc.) produces gas if consumed at the same time while the body is under
physical stress. This is just an observation.
We often try new products during long training rides or training races.
We try NOT to eat or drink anything new during target races.
Before races we preload electrolytes and carbos for 72 hours. Then
during the ride we continue to take our electrolytes and carbos, but in
liquid form and in constant small doses.
As for specific products, in the 70's we used to drink two thinks during
ultras and horse races. During the day our crew would pop-open a can of
beer hours before we arrived at a check. It would be at ambient
temperature and very flat by the time it was consumed. At night we
would switch to coke syrup diluted with non-carbinated water 10 times
more than the normal mix. Wierd, huh? But, back then it was leading
edge stuff.
Now days we use many products developed for use during ultras and bike
events. The R & D in these sports is much better than ours because
there is a bigger market. Go to any big bike shop and buy a sampling of
various electrolyte/carbo/food products. Then go home an experiment
during training rides. Find a combination that works for you; then
stick to it.
Too much trouble? Can't be any worse than being 70 miles out, hanging
over the side at a canter and looking for a place to _______________?
(you fill in the blank).
Feel free to write us directly if you want to discuss this more. Good
Ramey Peticolas-Stroud
John & Sue Greenall wrote:
> Will Spirulina settle a crabby tummy? Of interest here is that
> several people commented that they knew riders who could eat at the
> holds, but were miserable once back on the horse. has anyone used
> Pepto Bismol or Tums or any thing that worked? The runners had
> Classic Cokes at the runners stations but most said they could not
> drink it.
> John and Sue Greenall