ridecamp@endurance.net: 02:ridecamp-d Digest V97 #449

02:ridecamp-d Digest V97 #449

17 Jul 97 17:36:52 +0100

Has anyone ever had this condition with a foal? The most noticeable symptom was milk
running from the nose after nursing. Milk is then aspirated into the lunges.
Both the mare and stallion (now gelded but not because of this) are from good lines. 2
other foals produced from this stallion are okay.
What I do know is that in humans ,people can have many children and it doesn't effect
all of them.

If I can't get solid facts I won't breed my mare again just in case it is something
passed on. She may produce healthy foals but it could show again in future generations.
This is such a rare deformity that no one seems to have much info and I haven't found
much in books.
Please email me privately


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