ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: keeping bandage on
Re: keeping bandage on
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 20:09:38 -0400 (EDT)
There is a type of tape that we use at the hospital that looks like a roll of
ace wrap, but it is VERY sticky on the other side.... (I believe you can get
it at a drug store or hospital supply) ... you should protect the leg all the
way around and only have the sticky stuff touch the edges... upper and
lower... wrap all the way around the leg...(but not tooo tight) the tape
does act like ace wrap... it stretches and gives with movement... but, it is
possible to make it too tight and impair circulation...
My horse had a skin tear in the same place and I had to keep it wrapped for
a couple of weeks... this was very successful... the bandage lasted until I
removed it... which was every 2-3 days... you might need to use nail polish
remover to get the sticky part off of the hair...
Good Luck...
Patti H
Rider Directory