ridecamp@endurance.net: re power walk

re power walk

paddi (seamstob@telusplanet.net)
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 21:35:24 -0700

My mare really puts her head down. A lower head set seems to be her natural way.
Climbing hills in the mountains she seems to work her front end almost like she is
pulling herself up the hill.She really seems to work her shoulders. Her head set is real
My question is should I be standing coming forward over her neck as I have been doing
for hills or staying back to take some wieght off her forelegs.
It is easier to push then to pull something.Getting the back end working makes sense.
Even when tailing her head is low to the ground.
This is at a walk. Trotting up a hill she raises her head a bit about level with her
I was told that lowering the head rounds the back and that is good.
Paddi I learn something new everyday :-)

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