ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Tevis coverage

Re: Tevis coverage

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull (elsie@calweb.com)
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 08:28:19 -0700

SandyDSA@aol.com wrote:
> Yes - what is the average height and bone cricumference of the entries AND
> the finishers? :))

Er... we're talking 250 horses here. But there's only one of me.

I can see it now - me shouldering crew out the way, tape measure
in hand yelling "coming through! How tall is this horse? Don't mind
me while I measure his legs..." <grin>

Could be a bit tricky, Sandy.

> Yes! I'd like to know how those "tubby" horses do, compared with the
> nervous, skinny types. How does body type affect the horses in this ride?
> Is there any correlation?

I'm not sure I can actually carry out a scientific analysis of this,
but I will watch to see how hot the "larger" horses seem to be when
they come in to the vet checks, compared to the internal heat caused
by the jumpy horses.


Don't worry. I know what you're getting at. Careful scrutiny and
description will hopefully be had.

Not sure whether it'll be on the Tevis page, or on ridecamp, or
whether we can actually get anything out on the Saturday - but if
not, when I get home on Sunday, I'll send it out.

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull - elsie@calweb.com
Displaced English person in Sacramento, CA 

http://www.calweb.com/~elsie http://www.calweb.com/~trouble **************************************************************

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