Just got my Kieffer saddle restuffed and got it back just before a long
campout. Took some slow short rides and didn't see much in back problems.
Then I did a 20+ at a good pace (about 7-10 miles at a fast trot) and on the
way back he was walking oddly. Got off and walked in and noted on downhill
he was crossing 1 front foot in front of the other. Very weird. Checked him
the next morning a little and he looked sound (mainly trotted on a straight &
circle). Then saddled and started walking off and really noticed him walking
weird again. Pulled the saddle and tack and walked him off. Still doing it
but not as noticable. Trotted him and he was 100% sound (got quite an
audience - this horse can TROT). Walking again he still was doing it, but
still not as pronounced. I believe its the saddle and made arrangements with
the saddle maker to get it checked out. (Unfortunately she just had major
surgery so have to wait a bit - but will borrow a friends extra Stonewall)
Anyone ever see or experience this? So weird - stepping directly in front
of his right leg with his left. Made him look dead lame from the ground yet
riding him he felt off but not much and only on the downhill... Giving him
and his back a break I do see a rub mark on the left just at the base of the
withers but actually is just hair loss - doesn't appear sore or swollen...
Appreciate your comments.